Do you feel any different having two moms?
Yeah - one of a kind.
Do any of the kids at school care?
No. When I was a kid I thought you were a dad, Mom.
Do any of the kids at school care?
No. When I was a kid I thought you were a dad, Mom.
Yeah I know. I wasn't too happy about that I remember.
But you weren't a dad.
What do you think would be different about me if I was a dad as opposed to my being a mom?
You wouldn't be as loving
...and you would pick your nose like me because all men pick their noses. I heard that from the movie Frozen.
Ah Disney. How you corrupt our young!
...and you would pick your nose like me because all men pick their noses. I heard that from the movie Frozen.
Ah Disney. How you corrupt our young!
He makes a fair point. I pick MY nose...