Saturday, March 8, 2014

Best Reason to Stop

Ahhh... Peacefulness.  You know the moment.  You step outside, you look up, you breathe... It could be one, two or all or of these things but the effect is amazing.  You stop.  As a mother of two young boys, wife, teacher, daughter, etc., I've learn to savor those random couple minutes a day that I get to just stop - that moment when my hands aren't full, that moment I "begrudgingly" volunteer to leave all the fun and go to the grocery.  I love the sound of my children's voices, and it's ironic that only the moment I hear quiet, I really realize that.  How beautiful life is?  How simply perfect knowing  that for all the stress and fatigue I get perfect love and gratitude.  I love these breaks almost as much as I love how happily and quickly I depart them.

1 comment:

  1. Hear the presence of God in the silence. Listen closely and you will hear Him say how much he loves you. :)
