Feeling pretty empowered lately, (even if no one is reading this) and I thought I’m gonna give some thought to what I would change if I were in charge. This is just a brain dump, a vision quest. Why not?
If I were in charge:
There would be no Electoral College! One human/one vote unless she’s pregnant. (Just kidding). One adult = one vote. Let politicians work NY and LA and then hop around the rest of you for a while.
There would be a modest living stipend for all based on an equal spread of the GDP. Incentivize careers of genuine interest and stop child hunger.
There would be mandatory vasectomies for all men 18 years of age. It’s easily reversible and a lot healthier than birth control or abortion. Offer an extra living stipend at least to any woman accidentally impregnated. I’m a lesbian mother of two boys and I’d agree to this!
No more Daylight Savings Time. Enough already. What are we saving? It’s the same amount of daylight!
A lot of things we’ve learned to do in quarantine ahould continue. Online/blended school, for example, quite frankly rocks. Lessons are succinct. There’s much more onus on the student to branch out independently. We’re all learning technology. It’s almost a no pollute commute. And I get to hear my kids’ scholastic experiences. It opens room for prior knowledge connections, easier and more successful classroom management techniques. If we could arrange to safely be near each other for after school activities they would take in a whole new level of meaning and quality social interaction. I say keep this whole paradigm! Anybody who doesn’t think think this is real school doesn’t really understand how authentic learning can develop.
Use existing school buildings exactly as they are currently being used - clean (and make them cleaner like with real air filters), technological hubs of less populated day care and after school activity centers.
Two words: Flat tax. 7% sounds good. You’re welcome!
Term limits on ALL public offices. And no advertising! Make them quit fundraising and do something for a change. We’ll seek out the ones we want.
Make cars electric. All of ‘em! Should have been this way 100 years ago!
Make all sunny roofs solar. Use the rest as public reservoirs.
Park a few windmills here and there. (For when it rains).
Free college for all public service or sustainable innovation.
Free healthcare for all non smokers.
There. That’s it for now. Stay tuned for updates. Feel free to use the comments. Change my mind about any of these, and I’ll send you a free subscription.