Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Life doesn’t change. We do.

Life doesn't change much, does it? When I was a kid there were bullies and safe havens, villains and heroes. There were expectations to deny, and betrayals to endure. Now that I'm halfway through it, I can't help but continually notice that it's all still exactly the same. The bullies aren't impulsive, insecure, thoughtless little boys from class anymore, as much as they are spoiled, rich, selfish presidents for me and the angry, short-sighted, ego maniacs that follow his example. 

   Life is a manifestation of the living. And we become exactly what we fear. The difference is me. Every day I get up and try to juggle everything thrown my way with as much grace as I can muster. There are lines in my sand however. I keep borders I will not allow trespassed, and I don't build walls. I declare decrees. I arm guards. I strategize. You can negotiate your way in, but it won't be easy. There will be slow and deliberate security checks. I will get you in so far there will be no escape.  You will have been worthy, or you won't get out. I'm no kid anymore. I know you. I am you. And I'll make us both think. 

   But this year has taught me how much each moment counts. Every move we make creates reality. I find I'm juggling the contents of my inbox as usual, trying to improve habits, snatching happiness as I find it, and working toward creating more when I can; but the universe tosses in an old bully now and then, and I'm forced to defend myself. The trick, I think that I've come to own this year, is to not fear being as slow and deliberate about my own steps as I need to be. I pay precise attention to myself, my insecurities, my selfishness, my ego; and I try (I don't always succeed because I am fierce) but I try, to keep them in check.  The truth, I am learning, is that they are the real enemies, and by "them" I really mean me. And that has made all the difference. Because there are no real borders. There never were.  It's all real, but manifested; awesome and terrible. It's life. And I have kids. I made children - very deliberately.  I chose it for them, and I'm devoted to defending that decision. 

   But what a magical ride it really is underneath I've come to find. It's as fantastical as every fairy tale I read them. And as dire.